Your Starsign


April 21 - May 20

Today's Horoscope for Thursday April 18th

Push away anyone who looks like being difficult, back off circumstances which are tricky and find a comfortable corner in the office or at home, where you can be in charge and fend off problems. You want to be wrapped up in cotton wool, giving yourself the goodies of life. In a sensitive mood you will protect your feelings by withdrawing into yourself like an oyster into its shell. Since you will have moments of being happier in your own company, give yourself space.

The Weekly Outlook from 15th April

Having been held back recently by setbacks, delays or low energy and less motivation you will be winding up a head of steam to forge ahead. After midweek with the Sun moving through your own sign for a month you will be bouncing with enthusiasm and confidence. Even better on Saturday, despite a few obstacles, you will be showered with luck and blessings. New opportunities will turn up to lessen tension and allow you to breathe with relief as an exciting challenge appears.

Your Monthly Horoscope for April

Patience is one of your virtues since you are built for the long haul and endurance is your middle name. The Sun, Mercury and Venus in the hidden sign before yours until the 19th hints that doing less will be sensible. Step back and give yourself a chance to reflect on recent events as well as plan ahead. You'll recharge your batteries and emerge revitalised later in the month. Energetic friends will be willing you on but their sometimes misguided enthusiasm may cause the odd difference of opinion. Don't let them railroad you into hasty decisions before you are ready. You know that good fortune is on your side so you will wait until after midmonth before winding up a head of steam for a forward push. There may still be tensions but by the 20th you'll know you are on your way with praise and appreciation coming your way. New opportunities will open up for the taking.

and Next Month's Horoscope for May

Not everything will progress at the speed you might like, but with your birthday Sun, Venus and Jupiter in your own sign plus Mercury from midmonth, you will feel blessed by celestial gifts. Your morale and confidence will soar with new admirers attracted by your charm and sparkling personality. You'll make an effort to spruce up your appearance to good effect. You know that finding a path in life that brings a deeper meaning and purpose is one priority and that may not come quickly. Keep asking yourself the questions and the answers will eventually come. In the meantime you will be sensitive to being pushed around or crowded by anyone so give yourself space. A pet project may be temporarily blocked or on a go slow, so use the time wisely to go back to the drawing board and improve your plans. Then when the time comes and the red lights turn to green you will be in a better position to get the results you want. A triumph around the 18th will keep you smiling and in the final ten days you will be looking to improve your finances.

Year Ahead 2024

2024 will be your year for getting a grip and ensuring you can steer your own ship through whichever canal you choose to travel. Admittedly you may have to confront some resistance from companions who are not on your wavelength but being an enduring and, dare I say it, stubborn sign you are unlikely to be distracted. You may not instantly fall on the best solution to your demand for a meaningful way of life in terms of work and direction, so you will need to persevere. Try, try, try again and if one option does not produce results, cut your losses and try an alternative. There may be the odd standoff about who has the upper hand and the last word, so you will be better to adopt a new approach, more persuasive than forceful. Whatever else happens your optimism and enthusiasm will stay intact since you know luck is behind you. From June onwards more money will come your way to allow for treats in the months ahead. Though if you go wild spending you may not save much of your good fortune. The Eclipses will focus your attention on finding a balance between hard work and relaxation. All duty and not enough quality time for yourself to wind down and reflect won't produce optimum results. Continuing on from last year, you will be hanging on to old, tried and trusted friends and finding your circle smaller than before. As the year closes you will be aware that you have settled into a better gear, with fewer questions and more answers firmly in place.