Your Starsign


March 21 - April 20

Today's Horoscope for Thursday April 25th

With Mercury going direct in your own sign recent delays and glitches should disappear. You will prefer to speak rather than listen and what you say may not be too subtle. But your plus side is you will have no devious streak and can be relied on for straight answers to direct questions. You will come across as a curious mix of original and sensible so your schemes may seem whacky but they will have a practical result in mind. You'll push ahead with one cash scheme.

The Weekly Outlook from 22nd April

This week's Full Moon is focussed on financial and emotional matters. You may be inclined to think you have to alter the way you share, care, relate and co-operate, but won't be a good idea to decide anything hastily. Getting your own security pulled together is something only you can do and that needs to come first. After midweek you will be spouting off opinions in all directions, jumping ahead before companions have a chance to absorb what you say. You could also be point scoring or trying to have the last word, which won't go down too well.

Your Monthly Horoscope for April

With one foot forward and one foot rooted to the spot, you will be pushed and pulled between a need to fire ahead on all cylinders yet facing the fact that circumstances won't let you be pro-active for a few weeks. But for all that your birthday Sun until the 19th will have you bubbling with enthusiasm, chattering non-stop with Mercury close by and charming everyone you meet as Venus adds its harmonious and persuasive touch. So far so good. What is dragging its heels is Mars tucked away in the sign before yours which cautions that patience will be needed. You'll be able to pull strings behind the scenes on the occasions you can't be as upfront as you'd like. But you will need to keep your head down at times and bite your tongue. There will be an irksome setback around the 10th which will bring delays to certain plans or be accident prone. There'll be no sense in flaring up and flying off the handle which will only make matters worse. After midmonth there will still be the odd restriction but good news on the money front will do wonders for your morale. Mars moving into your own sign on the 30th will turn red lights to green and you'll forge ahead.

and Next Month's Horoscope for May

With dynamic Mars, your ruler, in your own sign all month you will be stepping on the gas and driving straight ahead, sweeping obstacles and slow coaches to one side. Your first priority will be to get your personal finances knocked into better shape. Taking action now will prevent problems later. You will be tempted to spend on extravagances and indulgences but caution might be wiser. Friends will keep you on the right track since they know that playing the long game will be more productive than instant gratification. There will be a sudden change come the 13th so your plans may need to take into account fluctuating circumstances over which you have little control. Luck will be on your side but taking it for granted won't help. Money will come in around the 18th to keep you smiling. And by the 22nd you'll reckon you have your life under control as you race into a speedy, chatty schedule ahead. Your positive and open-minded approach will bring you support.

Year Ahead 2024

Standing on the brink of 2024 and of a clear move away from the past, you'll be sifting and sorting out a revised plan for the future. Recent restrictions will lift and with a wealth of experience under your belt you'll know what will suit you best with the help of your new-found sense of purpose. Your luck with money will ease your passage through the first five months although your increased spending may not leave much surplus in hand. Key decisions focused on lifestyle changes and revised agreements with close partners will be flagged up by the Solar Eclipses. Instant action won't be required but it will require reflection and advice before commitments are made in any direction. From June onwards your positive approach and increasing tolerance will make for easier everyday contacts at work and elsewhere. Your way with words and ability to motivate and morale boost will do wonders for your popularity with workmates, neighbours and those close. As you mix with influential people in your community or with strong-minded new friends you will meet occasional differences and tensions. Not getting too intense, obsessed or stubborn will help to get beyond no-win arguments and deadlocks. Live and let live, appreciate alternative viewpoints and agree to differ will be the way to go. By the year end you will be onto a new road and anticipating new adventures.