Your Starsign


August 24 - September 23

Today's Horoscope for Wednesday May 08th

There are favourable winds behind you urging you on to broaden your horizons in whichever way you choose. You may have been thinking of reaching out for the holiday brochures or even of taking up a new hobby or interest. Ponder no longer. Rise above the trivia of daily living and aim to add a touch of adventure to your life. Getting far enough away to see everything in perspective will be helpful. You will make better decisions and be less obsessed by what is not important.

The Weekly Outlook from 06th May

There may be a few restrictions about or setbacks, making you feel discouraged. The best tactic is to face up to duty and be conscientious. What is happening may seem negative, even unlucky, but it need not necessarily be bad. You just have to get into hard-working gear. You can't duck and dive and leave all the chores to someone else. Around midweek you'll give a sigh of relief and take time out to reflect and ponder. This is the time of year you review your beliefs when you can discard what no longer fits with changing circumstances.

Your Monthly Horoscope for May

An adventurous Sun moving through your chart area of grand plans and broadening horizons for three weeks will have you in a high-flying, enthusiastic though not always realistic mood. This is your time to allow your visions to flourish and you can always sort out later what is practical and what is not. Travel plans will be in the forefront of your mind or taking up new hobbies and studies. You will need to watch not to overpack your schedule since your workaholic tendences may be in overdrive. Looking after fitness and stamina will be important which means remembering to put limits on your hopes. Your outlook will change before midmonth with Uranus popping up and offering an encounter with a friend who has an alternative outlook on life. You will ponder and savour the possibility of embracing new beliefs. Good news coming in from a distance away on the 18th will make you smile. Into the final days you will be at a peak, finding appreciation and praise comes your way. You will be working hard but it'll be worth it as success crowns your efforts and the right people will be rallying around with support and appreciation.

and Next Month's Horoscope for June

Normally a sign who keeps their head down to get on with practicalities and being of service, you will be surprised at the attention, praise and recognition coming your way with five planets at your midheaven. Your reputation and status will get a definite boost from lucky, expansive Jupiter and your charm, wit and bright ideas will keep your popularity sailing high. A triumph on the 3rd may seem like the wheel of fortune favouring you, but in reality will be due to your positive attitude plus determination bringing results. You may not have as much time for home and family matters as you might like and one close relationship will be cool but you will know your priority is to push ahead with your ambitious plans. There will be differences of opinion after Mars movies into Taurus on the 9th since you will be expressing your views with vigour. Try to sidestep no-win arguments and focus your attention on those who want to listen. Affectionate friends will be on hand after midmonth to keep you company and offer fun diversions. Into the final ten days you'll be looking ahead and planning long term, picking up advice and not letting the grass grow under your feet.

Year Ahead 2024

Your head will be bubbling with grand plans and adventurous schemes as you step boldly into 2024. Your dreams and visions may have to stay that way for a few months but after midyear favourable circumstances will open new doors and provide opportunities to test several of them out. Let your enthusiasm carry you along and you've no idea where you might land. The only proviso is not to over-push yourself by taking on too many commitments. Review your lifestyle and work out physically what will keep your stamina at optimum levels and your vitality in good shape. Then you will be in a position to tackle any area of your life that feels stuck or broken down and fix it. Close relationships will continue to be confusing and a touch cool at times. Part of the problem being that you really don't know what you want to commit yourself to in the time ahead. But tried and trusted partners will remain loyal. Taking the initiative with money from April onwards will bring results where ambling along hoping for the best won't. Be pro-active and aim to improve your security. After late May you'll be delighted by the admiration and appreciation coming your way. Almost anything you tackle will work out better than you expect and that will continue to be the case well into 2025 as well. By the time the October Eclipse comes round you'll know the time to alter the way you share, care and cooperate whether over money or with emotional partners has come. It won't happen overnight but taking small steps in that direction will pay off.